“Dear people from Japan. We are shocked about the horrible events that happened in Japan. Our thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones. Let this never happen again. Be strong and keep believing”
Love, Kevin
マーティー(STUPIDS, UK)からのメッセージ
“It is not easy to find the right words to express sympathy for people in Japan. Last year I had to face the possibility of losing my daughter to cancer. It seems such a small thing compared to what your country is enduring. We cannot even begin to understand the pain and suffering of our brothers and sisters in Japan but to see your calmness, strength and determination in the face of such adversity is truly humbling.
Our thoughts are with you.”
レイ(HARD-ONS, Australia)からのメッセージ
“To the people of Japan, especially our dear friends. My thoughts are with you. I hope you will get through this tragedy OK.
We are watching things unfold every day. It’s unbelievable.
I wish you all the best and I dearly hope you and your family are safe.
We are all thinking of you.”
Kindest regards, Ray Ahn THE HARD-ONS
“I was thinking of you throughout all the coverage I was seeing on the news, I hope you are all dealing with it as best as can be..”
先週の金曜日から日本で起きていることを追い続けている。日本のみんなにBOSS TUNEAGEから、そしてリリースしているバンドからこの状況に直面している日本のみんなに出来る限りの愛とサポートを送りたい。イギリスのパンクロックシーンでは、みんな出来る限りの手助けをしたいと考えて、もうすでに多くの日本へのベネフィットライブが企画されているんです。ボクのレーベルやリリースしているバンドをサポートしてくれていて、BOSS TUNEAGEはいつも本当に日本に感謝しています。だから僕らは今、その借りを返したいと願っています。この状況の中で生活しているみんなのことを考えているよ!
“We have been watching the events happening in Japan since last Friday and just wanted to say to everyone in Japan that Boss Tuneage and the bands on our label are all sending our love and support to our friends in Japan in this difficult time. There are already many benefit gigs being organised by the UK punk scene as we all want to help as best we can. We have always really appreciated the enthusiasm and support that Japan has given to our bands and the label as well, and so we want to repay that support – we are all thinking of you in this hard time.”
Love to you all!
マイク(ROKLOK RECORDS, US)からのメッセージ
“All I wanted to offer was words of concern and love for the fine people of Japan and that everyone is in my thoughts during this ordeal. This has affected me to my very core on a level that I haven’t even begun to fully comprehend just yet.
I hope all is well with you.”
As Always,
Mike Andriani
ジャスティン(UP FOR NOTHING, US)からのメッセージ
“To all of our good friends, family, fans, and citizens of Japan; I wish you all the very best in getting through this horrible time that you have all been faced with. It is very important that you all remain strong and as positive as you possibly can. In America we are working very hard to rise money to donate to your lovely country, and help to restore it back to the way it should be. Our thoughts, hopes, and beliefs are with you every day.”
“We are Pelayo, Luquero, Diego and Chiri from DDT (Spain) Forgive us for our bad English. We’re really shocked about the disasters in Japan and we would like how are you. We hope you are safe and well. We send you our support and encouragement. We hope that the situation go better. Best wishes.”
アンドリュー(Specialist Subject RECORDS/ BANGERS, UK)からのメッセージ
“So saddened by the events unfolding in your country this past week, I don’t think I can even comprehend how devastating something like this must be. Everyone here in the UK is behind you all, many people in the punk scene here are doing their best to raise money for charities working out there and I really hope the support reaches those that need it most. All my thoughts are with you, do your best to stay positive.”
Andrew – Bangers / Specialist Subject
ケリー、ダニー、クリスタル(MARSHMALLOWS, US)からのメッセージ
Dearest Japanese friends,
Know that we are keeping you in our thoughts in the wake of this
horrible disaster. We have hope that Japan will recover quickly, and
wish for the safety of all our friends and their loved ones. Stay
strong, and please know we are here for you!
Ever your friends,
Kelly Lynn, Danny Z, and Crystal of the marshmallows
デニー(DOWZER, Netherland)からのメッセージ
“For our friends in Japan:
Yesterday I received mail from Japan and I was really wondering of the one sending me this, was alright. Gladly Kohei was alright but told me living in Japan has really changed since the earthquakes, tsunami’s, radiaton and so on. We feel sorry for the people who lost relatives, friends, pets, homes, towns and what ever more they could lose, and it’s really amazing to see where Europeans or Americans would really freak out and maybe even make things worse, the people in Japan are taking action to make things better again. We like to wish everyone all the luck and support! once again all the best and i hope everything will be fine really soon!”
Deny / Dowzer
アダム(IT’S ALIVE RECORDS, USA)からのメッセージ
「日本の友人全てへ。僕らは日本の全ての人たちを思い、願い、祈っています。 日本はこれまでの歴史上、多くの素晴らしいものを世界に与えてくれている。もし、それを一つづつ挙げていったらそのリストは1マイルもの長さになってしまいます。だけど僕らが最もわかっているのは音楽を通じてです。日本のパンクロックバンドは最高の魂とプライドが詰まった音楽を提供してくれている!あなた達の音楽に込められた、その魂とプライドは心の底から産み出しているんだなって思うのです。その音楽に込められている魂とプライドは、現状の信じられない困難な問題をきっと乗り越えていくだろうと確信しています。恐らくアメリカの人々はこういった状況を見て、この悲劇に打ち勝つ希望なんて持ちやしないと言うと思いますが、日本だったら希望があります!歴史が証明しているように日本はとてつもなく強力で、それが世界で最も永続している国民です。僕らは日本がこれまで以上に強くなって復活するって確信しています。IT’S ALIVE RECORDSという僕らのレーベルを通してみんなと知り合いました。何人かの人は直接合うといううれしい機会がありますが、インターネットのオンラインを通じて知り合いになった人が殆どです。そうだったとしても、僕らは友人となることが出来た。僕らは小さなレコードレーベルだけどそれを証明することを必ず実行するよ。がんばってください!」
“To all of our friends in the great nation of Japan, We want each and every one of you to know that the nation of Japan and all of its people are in our thoughts, hopes and prayers!
Japan has given the world many great things throughout history. I could make a list a mile long of these great contributions, but one that we know all of you through is music! Japanese punk rock bands make music with great spirit and pride! We know that the spirit and pride in your music comes from your hearts. We know that the spirit and pride in your hearts will see you through these incredibly tough times!
Many people in america are saying that if this devastation happened anywhere else the in the world that the people of that place would he hopeless to overcome the tragedy, but in Japan there is hope! Japan has proven itself throughout history to be one of the strongest and most enduring nations in the world! We know that Japan will come back stronger than ever before!
We have met all of you through our label, It’s Alive Records. We have had the pleasure of meeting some of you in person, but most have only been online internet friends. Even so, we have gained so much from our friendships! We are going to do what we can as a small record label to help with the relief efforts. STAY STONG!!”
Adam, Jenna & Olive (It’s Alive Records)
トビ(Coffeebreath & Heartache RECORDS, Germany)からのメッセージ
“Hope you didn´t get harmed in the horrible events of the last days and you and your family are all ok!
We wish you and your loved ones all the best and hope your country recovers as soon as possible. Our thoughts are with you”
フィリックス(PICNIC RECORDS, Spain)からのメッセージ
“I hope all your friends, your family and you are well.”
ジェニファー(NO IDEA, USA)からのメッセージ
“To our Japanese friends: Our thoughts are with you during this terrible tragedy. We wish you all the best and hope that you remain safe.”
ケビン(SKIMMER, UK)からのメッセージ
“Like everyone, we have been saddened and shocked by the events unfolding in Japan, and offer all of you our best wishes and hopes that life will return to some kind of normality very soon. The UK has 24 hour news coverage of Japan, and I have this on constantly trying to keep up to date with how the situation is developing. Skimmer have a great affinity with Japan and her people, and have you to thank for your great support over many years. More than anything, we hope you can all stay safe, and we can’t wait to return to play some more shows for you.
Skimmer news is not really important, but for those of you who wish to know, we will release a new album on Waterslide later this year, and make the tour when we can. We will be touring the USA with The Queers in autumn. Take care all. We’re thinking of you.”
Kevin, Add, Terry, Warren.
ジャビ(SMOKING VICTIMS, Spain)からのメッセージ
“Hi our friends in Japan, Here in Spain, we’ve all been watching the terrible tv images of the tsunami and we are very worried about you. You are very strong people and little by little we know you will get ahead. Our thoughts are with you.”
Javi and the “smoking victims” from Spain.
I MONELLI(Italy)からのメッセージ
“A big and sincere greetings to the Japanese friends, we are confident that with
your strong character soon things will be back in place, we are close to you.”
I Monelli
アダム(SKIMMER, UK)からのメッセージ
“Hi friends…
We’ve all been watching the shocking images of the earthquake/tsunami and everything which has followed over there.
We hope you are all ok and send our best out to everyone we met and played with. I wish we could help you all from over here…
We are thinking of all our friends there and hope that all your relatives and loved ones are also ok. We hope there is no more trouble for you in Japan.
Our hearts are with you.
Take care everyone. Hope to see you all soon… Stay in touch.”
All the very best,
Love Adam and Skimmer XXXX
サイモン(SOUTHPORT & SNUFF, UK)からのメッセージ
“Hey my Japanese friends,I want you to know that all I want to do is get on a plane and come and help in anyway possible. Everyone here is watching the pictures from the Earthquake and Tsunami with horror and wondering are their friends and the good people of Japan safe. Our thoughts and hopes are with you. I wish I could also be there with you to help.”
S x
ブラッキー(Peter Black / HARD-ONS, Australia)からのメッセージ
日本の僕らの友人たちへ。THE HARD-ONSは君たちの最高の国で3回目のツアーを終えたばかり。日本は僕らに取って言葉で表すなんてことが出来ないくらいに訪れることも演奏することにおいても刺激的な場所なんだ。THE HARD-ONSのFacebookにアップしてある写真を見てもらったほうが伝わると思う。僕は東京で自分のギターで鼻を怪我しちゃうくらいに最高に幸せで興奮しまくっていたんだ!本当にそうだった。ニュースで何が起きているのかを見聞きするたびにショックを受けて怒りを感じている。僕達の友達が安全でいてくれることを願うばかりだよ。たくさんの人にメールでやりとりをしているがみんな無事だけど恐怖を感じて、問題はまだ残っていると聞いている。僕が助けることが出来たらいいのに。僕らの気持ちはみんなやみんなの家族と一緒だよ。何かを失ってしまった人とも同じ気持です。THE HARD-ONSは来年また日本に行って僕らの友人みんなが元気でいることを確認したい。君たちはすごい強い人間だ。君たちがこの状況を乗り越えてくれることも分かっている。最後にもう一度ぼくらの気持ちは君たちといっしょだよ。」
“to our friends in Japan..the hard-ons recently finished our 3rd tour of your wonderful country!! this is a place that is so exciting for us to visit and play thats words cant describe it!!! i think its better to see the pictures of the tour (on the hard ons facebook page) to get the best idea!! i even smashed my nose in tokyo with the guitar i was sooooooooooooo happy and excited to be there!!! TRUE!!to see and hear on the news what has happened is shocking and so upsetting !!i wish all our friends are safe and ok!! i have emailed many people and they are safe but scared.. still so many problems!! I WISH I COULD HELP!! please to everyone our thoughts are with you and your families! our hearts to anyone who has had a loss!!the hard ons will be back in japan again next year and we want to SEE all our friends well and safe!! you are very STRONG people and i know you will pull thru!Once again our HEARTS ARE WITH YOU!!!”
デック(Dec / SOUTHPORT & MIDWAY STILL, UK)からのメッセージ
“It’s breaking my heart watching your country suffer, there is no justice and nogod, I know that for sure now. Take care of yourself.Give my love to them all and your mum, dad and friends.We are all thinking of you in the UK.Take care my friend,”
ラッセル(MIDWAY STILL, UK)からのメッセージ
“we are very worried about our Japanese friends.Our prayers are with you at this bad time. Stay strong.”
マッシ(CHROMOSOMES, Italy)からのメッセージ
“i’m watchin what’s happenin in japan right now, thats unbelievable. i hope you’re ok but i feel sad for those who died or lost everything. we’re with you.”
massi from italy.
リッカード(Epidemics, Sweden)からのメッセージ
“Kazu asked me to write something to cheer up the people in Japan. I really don’t know what to say. I hope all of you are ok, but after what I’ve seen on TV and heard on the radio I don’t think all of you are ok. Hundreds of thousands homeless, 10 000+ dead, no water, no electricity… I can’t even imagine what that is like. All I can say is that I’m thinking of you and hoping you can cope with the chaos you are in. It’s so sad I’m speechless. All the people who lost loved ones… I’m thinking of you and I wish there was something I could do to make your lives a bit easier.”
ロロ(DIRTY WITCH RECORDS, France)からのメッセージ
“Hope all are Ok in japan. Im sad about this situation”
イアン(DRIVE, UK)からのメッセージ
“our thoughts are with you guys”
love, Iain Roche
ペーター(P.TRASH RECORDS, Germany)からのメッセージ
“We still see the special TV-news and cross the fingers that the nuclear experts from Tepco are able to stop the worst case scenario!Our thoughts are with you.Good luck about all that in the near future!!!”